What I’m Reading in January

In January, I will usually re-read or skim through these two books. I’ve found that we’re still resetting from the holidays and getting ready for new routines so I don’t want to dig into new books right away.

Intentional relationships make us more productive, creative, and useful than we could ever be on our own…Setting the goal is only half the job. The other half is taking definitive action. – Michael Hyatt, Your Best Year Ever

If I believe God created me with a specific purpose and play for my life, then He must have a purpose and plan for my year. If He has a purpose and plan for my year, He has a purpose and plan for my days. That means He has a purpose and plan for today. And if my all-knowing, all-powerful, loving God has a plan for my day, why wouldn’t I want to be a part of it? – Kat Lee, Hello Mornings

I frequently have friends ask me what I’m reading or what I recommend, so hopefully, these posts are helpful in giving you some ideas. If there’s a certain topic you’re looking for, let me know and I’ll see if I can direct you to a book. 🙂

UPDATE: Here’s My 2021 Book List >>> joycemoy.com/booklist2021 or *HERE (monthly posts will be linked at the bottom of this post as they become published) or check out *my Bookshop lists to support local bookstores or my Goodreads list to see some reviews

Being a life-long learner and bookwormish means I read some pretty random things sometimes. I mean, if I run out of stuff, I read the backs of cereal boxes or car magazines. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if it is stuff I agree with or not. I really think we can learn something from everything.

Here are my January Books:

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

📚 *Hello Mornings by Kat Lee

Through the Hello Mornings community, Academy, groups, and more, I’ve learned that a foundation is so important in lots of areas of our lives. And since each day starts with the morning, it’s imperative that we connect with our Creator, understand His plan for our day, and how we keep our bodies healthy to do the work for each day.

📚 *Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

This book really helped me to put into action some of the foundations that I learned from Hello Mornings. It helped me to take big things and break them into doable tasks so that I won’t be overwhelmed by them but are able to complete them.

There you have it, my books for January 2021. I’ve also been pre-reading a few books for launches as well as other highly recommended reads so you’ll probably see them here and there on social media. Follow along on my FB page and/or IG account for some inspiring quotes or more of my thoughts as I read.

*Hello Mornings: How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine by Kat Lee

*Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals by Michael Hyatt

What are you currently reading? Do you set reading goals or have a book list?

Monthly Book Lists:
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
(These links will work a week or two before the start of the month.)

Related Post:
2020 Book List | 2019 Book List | 2018 Book List | 2017 Book List | Book Reflections [Category] |

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.