June Reflections

These last few months we’ve changed our view. The computer and phone screens are nice ways to connect but we’ve headed to our yard for a change in scenery. There is very little that we are in control of these days (not that we were in control of much before) but we are choosing to make a positive transformation in the places we do have control over.

One of these places is our yard. We haven’t been motivated to get out to do any gardening since the Great Raccoon Invasion of 2015. All the things are overgrown and undertrimmed. So a few weeks ago, we’ve started getting out for 15-45 minutes most evenings to trim, cut, chop, and weed the trees, hedges, cactus, aloe vera, and dried up stuff that is above, behind, around, through any and every space and crevice.

So far we’ve topped off our green bin for the last 2 months or so with a pile or two enough to fill another 2 bins every single week. It is slow-going but we are enjoying seeing the progress through our hard work. I remember weekends mowing the lawn and pulling weeds when we were growing up. I still don’t know what I’m doing but we’re getting some more-or-less fresh air, enjoying the greenery scenery, enjoying one another’s company (sometimes we’ll live-garden through Facetime with a family member or two or three), and apparently getting a pretty good workout. My arms have not fallen off or I’m going to assume they are getting buff instead.

There’s something to be said about the phrase “bloom where you’re planted.” Actually, you can also bloom where you’re not planted since the roses in the photo above are not actually ours. They have found their way from our neighbors’ yard, through some crevice in the fence, into our yard. We didn’t water them, I suppose they are getting sunlight and air. The roots and soil are still on the other side of the fence but it has figured out how to continue to bloom right there. I’m sure plants can be used to illustrate many things in life…rest and seasons of being dormant, thorns and how they protect plants…

So some questions I’ve been reflecting on…

  • How am I choosing to bloom right where I am? Or do I need to be pruned back?
  • What things am I able to control and how will I make a positive impact on those things?
  • Where does God want me to be doing His work?

What are some of your reflections on the month of June?

Note: You can find my daily-ish reflections over on IG and FB. Come say hi!