A Look Back at Summer

These “A Look Back” posts are probably more for me than it is for your enjoyment but hopefully they will spark a reflection spirit in us to review what has happened last season and reset ourselves for the next season. I’ll try to share a little snippet of life in the previous season. I don’t have a good track record with this so I’m not promising anything. I’d love to hear a recap of how last season was for you – the good, the challenges, prayers needs.

You can read from our family point-of-view over at A Look Back at Summer [Moy Chronicles].

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

Here’s a recap of what’s been going on here on the blog for the summer season!


Hong Kong Trip – You can read more about our Hong Kong trip on our family blog but it was an impactful trip for me. I was able to visit where my mom grew up and it was nice to connect her stories to the place where they all happened. While Hong Kong is nothing like where we live (especially the humidity), it felt like home because there is a history and the people there were my people.

Stuff – Things have slowed down with the decluttering because without the rummage sale at our church, it will take a little more effort to get items out of our home. Friends were another church were collect items for a fundraiser so we were glad to donate a few more things we found to pass on. It just seems like the stuff coming in is never-ending. We don’t necessarily need it, they’re not always necessarily useful, but it comes. We are grateful to not be without but it can be a little much sometimes.

A New Quarter – It always feels good to have a fresh start and setting up for a new quarter gives me a chance to reflect on what has happened and reset for what is ahead. If I don’t assess how things have gone, I might keep doing things that aren’t in line with what I’m supposed to be doing, if that makes any sense.

Twinning – The girls got to play their ukuleles for worship service one Sunday and we all wore our shirts from church. I don’t think I have a great pic but you can always find the replay of the live stream online. They won’t say they are the best players but they like to learn and try things out. I love watching them discover and grow into their passions.

Trying New Things – I mentioned in the summer recap on our family blog about the programs the girls joined this summer. You can read more there, but they both tried new things with different programs. Melody joined the Jenny Lin Summer Music Program not knowing if she would know anyone there. It seemed like most of the kids were not homeschooled or were not from our area. It starts out with entering 7th grade which made her one of the youngest students. It was great and I think she learned a lot about the program, child safety (a focus teaching point of the Jenny Lin Foundation), and she really enjoyed observing how the student leaders led. Emily joined the STEM Future Foundation program at the last minute. I’m so glad she got to join because science is not a strong subject for me and it’s always a challenge to teach it well at home. I learn a lot from being these two girls’ mom.

June Blog Posts

CSB He Reads Truth Bible

What I’m Reading in July [Book List]

Not Forsaken


I figure I should just share these happenings before fall and winter passes us by. :p If you want to read daily reflections, follow along on Instagram or Facebook.

In July, Melody and I spent 2 Saturdays attending a Digital Storytelling Workshop facilitated by a friend of a friend from the Philippines. It was a great time of reflection and we learned a lot about the video production process. You can watch MY STORY HERE and MELODY’S STORY HERE.

I’m super official with the vest, right? :p Putting in some volunteer time…

I love the creativity found at the county fair.

We didn’t take a before photo but the little closet in the doorstairs at my parents’ house was where we housed most of our books growing up. It was actually fairly organized if you ask me but once you start pulling out things that have been put away for decades, this is what you get. We threw stuff away, sold stuff, donated stuff, and had stuff hauled away. There were some fun memories when we were going through the items. We told the girls about some of the old school things we had and did. Some will be missed but others really needed to go.

The digital storytelling workshop was definitely one of the highlights of the summer.

Cleaned up the neighborhood with some neighbor friends. They filled 2 bags! Yikes! And sadly, it is quite littered again.

I highly recommend Parenting by Paul David Tripp. I will definitely read it again.

July Blog Posts

What I’m Reading in August [Book List]

Beauty in the Everyday


Ten Seconds – This was a new-to-us place. It’s pretty neat. Make sure to find out what the dishes are before you go and order, and how it all works. We ran into some long-time church friends and it was good to catch up a bit.

Back into the swing of choir season

Date Day at Amakara – We are so glad to have gotten a date day in before Amakara closed for some construction. It was super hot in Dublin that day so we made a Target run and then called it a day.

August Blog Posts

What I’m Reading in September [Book List]

Thanks for reading this whole long ramble on the past season. It has been stretching. I’d love to hear how summer was for you.

What did you learn these past 3 months? What resources have you found helpful? Do you need prayer?


*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.