What I’m Reading in August [Book List]

I oftentimes have “re-reads” on my list because I’ve read too quickly the first time or I need another reminder of the message in the book. It is definitely the latter for this book. 

I frequently have friends ask me what I’m reading or what I recommend, so hopefully, these posts are helpful in giving you some ideas. If there’s a certain topic you’re looking for, let me know and I’ll see if I can direct you to a book. 🙂

UPDATE: Here’s My 2019 Book List >>> joycemoy.com/booklist2019 (monthly lists will be linked at the bottom of this post as they become published)

Being a life-long learner and bookwormish means I read some pretty random things sometimes. I mean, if I run out of stuff, I read the backs of cereal boxes or car magazines. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if it is stuff I agree with or not. I really think we can learn something from everything.

Here’s my August Book:

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

I oftentimes have “re-reads” on my list because I’ve read too quickly the first time or I need another reminder of the message in the book. It is definitely the latter for this book. I’m needing that reminder of that there is a difference between hosting and entertaining. I think most of what we see posted on Pinterest and even by friends is considered entertaining. Even children’s “playdates” all seemed to be planned out these days which is why that word gives me a mix of nightmares and anxiety. Can they just play? Anyhow, that’s another topic for another day for my therapist if I had one. In my head I know it’s not about matching decor and delicious appetizers, but it’s tough when there has been obvious judgment of what a hostess has prepared for her guests. *Breathe* Needless to say, I’m looking forward to reading this one again.

📚 *Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation by Jen Schmidt

There you have it, my book for August 2019. Follow along on my FB page and/or IG account for some inspiring quotes or more of my thoughts as I read.

What are you currently reading? Do you set reading goals or have a book list?

Monthly Book Lists:
January | February + March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.