12 Tips + 3 Tools for Decluttering

I want to share some tips and tools that have been helpful to me in my decluttering journey. I’m sure there are more scientific answers for “the hows” to decluttering but I’ll leave that to the professional and expert organizers. Again, why reinvent the wheel when that work is done already? Onto the tips and tools…and some bonus tips from The Declutter Community members!


  • destination + date: make sure you have a plan for where your stuff will go and when it will leave your home
  • small + consistent: creating daily habits will make for more wins in the long-term
  • label your space: knowing the purpose of the room/area will help you decide what items will go there
  • please hold: don’t bring more items into your home while decluttering
  • schedule it: if it’s a priority, make time for it, put it on the calendar or timeblock
  • progress over perfection: progress will keep you moving forward, perfection will keep you stuck
  • personalize: find what works for you – checklist, time limit, gamify
  • work on your own stuff first: they will (hopefully) follow your lead
  • don’t get stuck: if you miss a day for whatever reason, just keep going the next day
  • do you need to use it, love it, lose it: I forgot what expert asks this, but it helps in the decision-making process
  • rethink: think of it was your workspace, not storage area; think of it as your home, not a storage unit
  • easy tasks: decluttering unused apps, 1 bag of clothes, clear 1 table, clear fridge, unsubscribe to lists, don’t start with hard decision-making items like heirlooms or mementos that are sentimental


  • timer: don’t get lost in the stuff, know your limits each day
  • trash bag: broken, expired, yucky…stuff needs to go!
  • donation box/spot: your car is also not a storage area, make sure your discard items from your work areas have a way to leave your home


  • headphone/earbuds: for listening to music or podcast
  • speaker/music player: if others are joining in the decluttering fun, why not make it a party?!

BONUS | Tips from Members

Here’s what some of The Declutter Community members have to say for anyone who is new to the decluttering journey:

If you’re still wondering if decluttering matters, read Why Decluttering Matters. If you need help getting started, try these 4 Steps to Start Decluttering. If you’re looking for resources to help you along the way, I can help you find what works for you. (I have a resource post coming soon, but you can also search decluttering books/podcasts/etc. and I’ve posted a few in older posts.) If you already know the how but need some help and accountability, join The Declutter Community!

Action Step

Write down or print out some of the tips and keep the list as a reminder when you declutter.

Question to Consider

If you’ve been on the decluttering journey for awhile, what tips would you give to someone new to the decluttering journey?

If you’re new to decluttering, what tip(s) will you use to fuel you in this next month of decluttering?