The Great Declutter of 2020


This is a 6-part decluttering series but for those who’d rather get all the info in one post, go to THIS POST -> For the rest of us, we will go through each of the sections together over the course of a few days or so. It’s important to go through some of these things before we get started and I know members from previous groups can tell you the difference it makes when we remember our why and how.

Overview | 5 Steps | 6 Options | Programs | Tools + Tips | Reminder


[Repost] Confusion. Chaos. Disorder. Hodgepodge. Jumble. Rummage. Shuffle. Untidiness. Tumble. has stated these as synonyms for “clutter.” (It’s actually more than the above. I might get back to this in the challenge group, but it goes deeper than just chaos, it’s more of a heart issue.) Does that sound like your home or workspace? It sure does sound like mine from time to time. I’ve been on this decluttering journey for 4 years and I’ve learned a lot. It would take more space than I have here to share the lessons but off the top of my head, at this moment, I want to share that maintenance is key and having less stuff has made me a happier person. It may be hard at first if you’re starting out but it gets easier and I’ve had the opportunity to share so much of the things I have that I don’t need to others who could better make use of them. And there’s less to clean, but that’s another topic for another day. So let’s get started!

For my word nerds, some antonyms for “clutter” are: Order. Organization. System. Neatness. Tidiness.

There are many programs and courses that exist to help us declutter so I won’t be creating anything new. BUT what’s different about this challenge is that YOU get to make it your own. I’ve tried many schedules in the past but the truth is that unless you hire a personal declutterer/cleaner/organizer, no one knows your house, your priorities, and your schedule like you. There have always been a few days in month-long or year-long challenges where I get stuck because the space is not declutter-able in the amount of time given. So this is Choose Your Own Adventures – Decluttering edition. (Remember those books?)

This time around I really want members to reflect on these two questions:

  1. How do you want to feel at the end of this challenge? I don’t want you to remain unchanged after our time together. After it’s all done and you’ve put in the hard work, how do you want to look back at the last month or so and feel about what has been done? Let’s not go back to the piles and stuff and clutter tendencies. Let’s be changed and freed from the stuff…which leads us to the next question…
  2. What does decluttering make possible? Without the piles on surfaces and things shoved in closets, what is possible? Are we able to host friends and family and make them feel at home? Are we able to provide a meal to a hungry belly? Is there a space for board games and other fun activities so our world can be a little happier? Is there a space for us to be cozy, relax, and find peace? Can we step out into the world a little more confidently knowing that what we have is just what we need at this time? Can we be a little less harried and less overwhelmed because we don’t have to look for our keys or glasses or wallet or phone one. more. time?


There are 5 steps before we get started – find YOUR why, determine YOUR biggest need, decide where YOUR stuff will go, design YOUR challenge, and follow YOUR plan. The options are to declutter: by room, hotspots, by themes, by space, from small to big tasks, or set low-high goals by the number of items or number of minutes. I will share about a few programs where I have seen people be successful. I will share the tools and tips that have been helpful to me when I declutter. Lastly, I give you a BIG reminder.

This is for you if…

  • you want to get rid of clutter.
  • it should happen, you don’t want your kids to deal with your junk.
  • you think finding missing items was so 2019.
  • you want to love your home/space again.
  • you are tired of piles.
  • you need a soft place to land in the midst of life and the world’s hard things.
  • you want to breath easy.
  • you don’t want to feel overwhelmed.
  • you need to have it together for the sanity and safety of yourself and those around you.

This is NOT for you if…

  • you have too many reasons (excuses) why you can’t declutter.
  • you don’t have time to check in DAILY.
  • you are in a major transition in life…or multiple big transitions…
  • you are okay with being where you were last year.


Some of the above statements (in both categories) may sting but here’s the thing…I (and the group) can help you but only if you want me (us) to. Good intentions can only take us so far when it comes to this practical thing called decluttering. Preachin’ to myself too because some days it’s hard…I’m tired, there’s so much stuff, I need to attend to other things…


❓ 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙘𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬? You can (I definitely won’t stop you) but I’ve seen members do better when they can set themselves up for “success” before they start with the actual decluttering.

❓ 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚? Let’s take it one day at a time. Between now and the end of the challenge, the girls will be starting all their 2nd semester activities, there’s Chinese New Year, Super Bowl, a certain almost-13-year-old’s birthday, science fair project due, etc. There will never be enough time in a day or days in a year to get to what we want to do but we can choose to do the next right thing.

❓ 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧-𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚? There are lots of programs and printables out there. You can certainly continue on. Without discipline, time, and intention, I’ve seen people burn out. I’m not saying it can’t be done but it would take me more time than I have to make sure there are enough pauses and such in the year to keep everyone going.



PLEASE NOTE: 1/5: At this time, the group is full but please do fill out the form to be added to the waitlist if anyone who originally signed up is unable to complete their commitment of daily checking in. Also, make sure to follow me online for updates on what’s coming up. My handle/username is @iamjoymoy in most places.