Recent Reflections

Note: I feel like this is an edition of Joyce Unedited or something like that…I’m not an eloquent or elegant writer and my thoughts don’t always flow in the right order, so forgive the meandering and random thoughts…also claiming English as a Second Language once again. 😉 AND I don’t think I’ll ever understand SEO and all that jazz but this post apparently has poor readability and I’m okay with that. BUT I have exactly 2,383,091 blogs posts in my brain but zero time to actually write/type them out, so I figure when I have a minute, I’d leave it all out here for you.

Y’all, I’m not gonna lie…ALL of this is overwhelming. As I listen to story after story after story from my fellow mamas, my heart is heavy. We are tired and weary. We are burdened by a weight we should not have to carry. I don’t think it’s supposed to be like this. I don’t think it has to be like this.

There is bad news every day. Natural disasters, senseless murders, broken hearts, diseases, bombings, world hunger, unemployment…and it keeps on coming. And there are the small things that don’t always seem like small things…a call to the principal’s office, a lost toy or a lost phone!, sleepless nights, angry words, bad weather, stolen packages off your front porch…and it keeps on coming. If you’ve been feeling this heaviness, I guarantee you are not alone.

We don’t own a TV (by choice…another blog post for another day), but that doesn’t mean I’m oblivious to the happenings in the world around me…and to the people around me. Why am I seeing so many pics of hospital rooms on Instagram? These are fit and healthy people I know…WAY more fit and healthy than I am for sure! What is going on? Disagreements that lead to defensive words that do not reflect the love of the God we serve. People are left wondering and questioning. If you’ve been asking questions, I know you are not alone.

So then, I think and I pray…I think some more and maybe I eat a little because no one wants to see me hangry…oh, right, back to the topic…and I ask, where do I fit into all of this? What are we to do? What am I to do? It can’t just simply be wake up, go through my day doing what’s urgent, head to bed, and start over again…and again…and again. (Sorry, I dotdotdot a lot.) I know there’s no simple answer. It’s complicated…like calculus (or if you’re good at calc, it’s complicated like some subject you weren’t good at…no one is good at everything, no matter how well they pretend to be). Well, somewhere along this journey, I lost my brave. I’m sure I blogged about it somewhere…sometime…or maybe I just blogged it in my head…like that message I texted you in my head… :p But seriously, I feel like I’m running in this hamster wheel and going nowhere…or is it a rat race? Well, whatever the rodent, you get the analogy. There are oh-so-many GOOD things. But I don’t think we are called to do ALL the good things.

So you see what I mean when I said I’m sorta random. :p Thanks for hanging out in this space with me…and if you’ve “followed” me since 2004, I appreciate you because you’re probably just as crazy as I am. :p This blog doesn’t follow any website/blog rules. I don’t have time to curate my content. I forget to schedule social media posts, but I’m here. If you feel like sticking around, thanks! If not, that’s fine too.

The rain is coming down here tonight and I know the tears are coming down for many people too. I want to talk about the good things, but I think it’s sometimes okay to sit awhile with what makes our hearts sad.

Then, I’m left with the question of…what good thing(s) am I supposed to be doing?

…to be continued…

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below or shoot me a message.

What have you been reflecting on in recent days?