3 Things That Help Me Have Better Mornings

To clarify my heart behind this…I think especially as moms, whether we know it or not (and like it or not), we set the tone for the day. How we respond when we get up (by alarm, by a cry, or like one friend, by puke on her head from her little one) will somewhat dictate the morning which we sometimes allow to dictate our entire day. I have been on hills and in valleys of different seasons and have found that my attitude is oftentimes based on my pre-decided response. I have found that whether I have 5 minutes or 50 minutes in the morning, I must have a moment to get myself more or less situated for what’s ahead…even the unexpected things. I’m still a work-in-progress but would love some accountability and I’d love to encourage you in your journey.

While part of the 3-Minute Mornings is God Time, you can change that minute to whatever you want if you aren’t religious. And this isn’t just for moms…that’s just the life stage I am in so I used it as my example/experience.

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

1 | Hello Mornings’ 3-Minute Morning

I wish we had the 3-Minute Morning when I first started Hello Mornings a decade or so ago! It would have been the perfect kickstart for this mama’s mornings with little ones. They love to pull blankets off running-on-3-nonconsecutive-hours-of-sleep moms like it was their job OR at times when I did wake to a quiet house perfect for some quiet time, they had the superpower of hearing my eyelashes as my eyes opened.

I’m grateful for the different roles I’ve had a part of Hello Mornings, but my heart goes back to being tossed into the role of Accountability Captain (as the Group Leaders were called back then). It stretched me, challenged me, but kept me accountable to my own morning times.

Having the 3-Minute Morning as the foundation for my mornings have been a life-giving habit I have grown to love. As the seasons changed, so have my mornings. Some mornings held longer Bible study times. Others were able to be filled with meal prep for the day. But it all goes back to the simple 3 minutes. To be completely transparent (as I’m known to be), they aren’t always the very first 3 things I do…because kids, sickness, unexpected things (or people)…I’ve been known to hashtag that #life.

The video and link below will bring more clarity to what the 3-Minute Morning is, but it’s basically keeping this routine and being faithful to it every day:

  • GodTime | Pray Psalm 143:8
  • PlanTime | Review calendar
  • MoveTime | Drink a glass of water

LEARN MORE HERE –> hellomornings.org/3-minute-morning-kit-new

2a | Daily Big 3

This daily habit of coming up with my Daily Big 3 is fairly new. I used to write down every single thing I need to get done and go from there. In the past when I have chosen a top 3, it didn’t feel like I was moving the needle forward in anything. Once I went through 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever (it’s a lot more to it than you think, read the *book), it was a little more clear, but more often than not, I still got lots done without actually accomplishing anything. (That chart with the “urgent” vs. “important” comes into play more than we think.)

But the more I worked at understanding this system of Annual/Quarterly/Weekly goals and how that transferred over to my Daily stuff of life, it started to stick. I still miss the mark some days, and much of what I do work at is volunteer/ministry stuff and family stuff, but as I have shared many times before, I don’t believe God has called us to complete our tasks with mediocrity. No matter how big (CEO) or small (changing diapers) a job seems to us, it is our responsibility to do it all with excellence as a reflection of how He worked and created. And if you’re not a person of religious faith, I think this truth remains, that you have your gifts and talents to do the tasks before you. Sometimes there is a season of life where it may look different from your main job, but that’s okay.

I use the Full Focus Planner because you know, skin in the game and all that. Again, in all transparency, I grandfathered into this at a super duper low price as an original subscriber. It’s spendy, so I have another option below.

LEARN MORE HERE –> *fullfocusstore.com/collections/planners?aff=16

2b | Most Important Tasks

On the Hello Mornings site, we have shared various ways to plan for our day or for an event. I’ve heard top 3 to-dos referred to as “Most Important Tasks” in many different places, and that’s what they are called in the Inspired to Action Planner. This is the perfect option/page in the planner if you are looking for something to customize with printable pages! Kat does an excellent job explaining how the planner can best be utilized and how to make it work for you. The planner is $15 but you can also subscribe to the Hello Mornings Academy for one month at that same price to get the Planner and more! Keep reading…

LEARN MORE HERE –> https://www.hellomornings.org/store

3 | Accountability

I’ve always had the most “success” at this kind of thing when I’ve been in community, whether it is online or “in real life.” And even more accountability (and resulting discipline) when I’ve been the one leading a group. It comes in all shapes and sizes. I love learning from a been-there-done-that mentor but someone to journey with is also helpful. One new option I mentioned above is the Academy. There’s a load of free sources and groups too, but this one gives you access to some morning coaching.

*The Hello Mornings Academy includes lots of resources and coaching to help you eliminate the overwhelm and start each day strong.

  • Habit-based Resources
  • Coaching
  • Accountability
  • Accessible Bible Studies
  • Workshops and Courses
  • All Tailored To You

LEARN MORE HERE –> *hellomornings.org/a/19494/vwjXqNYP

JOIN ME | FREE Challenge – 3MM X DB3

It has been awhile since I’ve hosted a Hello Mornings group but I’m up if you are! If you’ve been in one of my past HM groups, it will be a little different. We will use the 3-Minute Morning as our base and then focus on accountability for our Daily Big 3 (which should be selected as part of our bigger goals/projects/tasks) every day. I do require daily participation. I have 5 spots available in my group.

  • Report your Weekly 3
  • Check in DAILY (how’s your 3MM and what is your DB3)
  • Encourage others
  • Review your week

If you are local to me and are interested, I will be planning a home retreat of sorts later this year to work through more of this stuff.

  • Who: You! (women only)
  • What: 3MM x DB3
  • Where: FB Group
  • When: 5/13 – 6/21
  • Why: Peaceful + Purposeful Mornings
  • How: Email me at thejoycemoy at gmail

DOWNLOAD YOUR KIT HERE –> hellomornings.org/3-minute-morning-kit-new

What’s your morning routine? What are your tips for having better mornings?

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.