May Reflections

I’ve tried getting my reflections on this past month out of my brain and onto the paper many times and I don’t feel like I can process it all or have the right words to say.

May Sunset after a physical-distance visit with family

There certainly are world-changing events that happen every year but 2020 will for sure go down in the history books. But for what? That’s what I’ve been thinking about…

  • What will the history books say about the year 2020?
  • What will I say one day to my grandkids when they ask about this year?
  • What will I say was my positive contribution (whether it be financial or through conversations or by amplifying unheard voices or in my prayers…)?

I think I have more questions than I have answers…

That is okay.

What are some of your reflections on the month of May?

Note: You can find my daily-ish reflections over on IG and FB. Come say hi!