Encouragement for Real Life

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

If you have known me for the last few years, you have already heard of the (in)courage community. What an amazing community of encouragers!!!

They just launched their first book (affiliate link) Craving Connection. We all crave connection…yes, even us introvert/ambiverts! While (in)courage is an online community of women who blog and share and create, to bring light in a dark space and beauty in a broken place, they also want us to cultivate a supportive community right where we are – in real life. (I’ve hosted 2 (in)RL events in the past and it was fun to invite people into my home and my heart.)

Beauty in the Everyday

So, in this first (of many (in)courage books to come), the writers share their real-life stories, practical Scripture application, and connection challenges to guide and encourage us as we pray and become intentional about connecting with God, our friends, and our community.

And since the (in)courage community grew out of Dayspring, you know they have created a few things to help us build these connections, one day at a time, one card at a time.

The beauty of God-designed diversity is most evident in heart-devoted unity. – Denise J. Hughes

As I have been challenged at church recently to really dig into relationships with those God has put in our path, this book also challenges me (there are 30 challenges actually!) for real-life engagement. I am learning these moments for connections aren’t always big and life-changing, but we can find beauty in the everyday stuff of life.

Encouragement for the Everyday

Sometimes life happens at the speed of light (or something like that), and we may want to turn down that invitation for coffee with a friend. It’s been a long day and we are all out of words to encourage someone else when we are the one who needs a good pep talk. You want to pray for a dear sister who just lost her job or her kids are simply driving her up the wall today, but every time you close your eyes, you fall asleep!

Not to minimize the power of a text message, but if you’ve especially got a friend whose love language is gifts or words of affirmation, (in)courage has a few items that go perfectly with the Craving Connection book. My favorite is the *Wear-One-Share-One Necklace with the word “Brave” on it. (Other words you can choose are Hope, Believe, Loved, Grace & Peace.) “Brave” can mean so many different things. For me, it is a reminder (of the MOPS theme from a few years ago) to be “me” bravely, as I stepped out to be more authentic in who I am, and not just to be who I think others want me to be. For a friend, it is stepping into a work role she isn’t quite certain about and also really figuring out how to be brave to trust God in the midst of challenges of motherhood.

My 9-year-old has already claimed the *Clip Frame & Art Print Set. Once I took it out of the box, she chose a print and put it right on the desk where she does her schoolwork each day. Now, I have to buy another one to give a friend. :p My 7-year-old has stopped by the office desk each day to look at the *encouragement postcards and ask who we can encourage today, and so we begin…

With so many ways to connect, there are still so many who feel disconnected. I know I’ve felt this way before. So let’s start with a smile, a note, coffee (or tea in my case!) with a friend. It might not change the world (immediately), but I believe it will change someone’s world.

You can find all of the above items (and more) over at (affiliate link) DAYSPRING. Make sure to use the code 25FORYOU to get 25% off + free shipping!

And here’s another brave thing…sharing my first ever FB Live video with you below. Oy vey! You can see me unboxing some of the items that came in the first shipment delivery.

Your turn: Who or what in your life has brought you encouragement?

We will be digging into the topic of Community more in the month of May. I had Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist (I’ve read it several times already) on my Book List for this topic before Craving Connection launched, but grab one or the other or both and join me for discussions on Community.

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.