Declutter This or That

For the month of February, we will be doing something a little different. Last year when I hosted this challenge, several group members wanted to continue so we could keep the momentum going. But as I expected, we all lost steam along the way and instead of building a habit, we (myself included) abandoned the consistency and returned our piles. Some of us decluttered a few things here and there through the rest of the year but mostly we had to restart this year. While our starting point was a lot better than where we were last year, it could be better. That’s where this new challenge comes in!


I’ll create a Facebook Event and each day I’ll select 2 things from The clean Mama’s 50 Things You Can Toss or Donate Today printable for us to have a quick win. You can choose either this or that to toss and/or donate, share your quick win, and collect points for err…something. If that sounds like a great starting point for you, join the fun! You can also download the printable HERE.

Image Source: Clean Mama

This is for you if…

  • you want to get rid of clutter.
  • you like game-ifying things.
  • you need some quick decluttering wins.

This is NOT for you if…

  • you have too many reasons (excuses) why you can’t declutter.
  • you are in a major transition in life…or multiple big transitions…
  • you are okay with being where you were last year.
  • you want to do an overhaul of your whole house.
  • you are far along the decluttering journey and only have keepsakes and hard-to-decide items left to go through.

For those who want to continue through February using the same method that we went over in the 6-part decluttering series, feel free to go through the steps again and design your own plan. I highly recommend REVIEWING what and how you did this past month AND sitting down to do a PREP week or day again. You can read more about the series below.


This is a 6-part decluttering series but for those who’d rather get all the info in one post, go to THIS POST -> For the rest of us, we will go through each of the sections together over the course of a few days or so. It’s important to go through some of these things before we get started and I know members from previous groups can tell you the difference it makes when we remember our why and how.

Overview | 5 Steps | 6 Options | Programs | Tools + Tips | Reminder

Image Source: Happy Organized Life

I do still recommend asking yourself and answering the two questions:

  1. How do you want to feel at the end of this challenge? I don’t want you to remain unchanged after our time together. After it’s all done and you’ve put in the hard work, how do you want to look back at the last month or so and feel about what has been done? Let’s not go back to the piles and stuff and clutter tendencies. Let’s be changed and freed from the stuff…which leads us to the next question…
  2. What does decluttering make possible? Without the piles on surfaces and things shoved in closets, what is possible? Are we able to host friends and family and make them feel at home? Are we able to provide a meal to a hungry belly? Is there a space for board games and other fun activities so our world can be a little happier? Is there a space for us to be cozy, relax, and find peace? Can we step out into the world a little more confidently knowing that what we have is just what we need at this time? Can we be a little less harried and less overwhelmed because we don’t have to look for our keys or glasses or wallet or phone one. more. time?


Why can’t we start now? You can (I definitely won’t stop you). This is not like the challenge with the accountability group. It’ll be more flexible and “fun.”

What if I want to do more than the minimal each day? You can (I definitely won’t stop you). This is not like the challenge with the accountability group. It’ll be more about small things and quick wins which makes for fewer and easier decisions on items that need to go.

How come this is not a year-long challenge? There are lots of programs and printables out there. You can certainly continue on. Without discipline, time, and intention, I’ve seen people burn out. I’m not saying it can’t be done but it would take me more time than I have to make sure there are enough pauses and such in the year to keep everyone going.



There is no sign-up this time but we will be doing daily check-ins over on Facebook (but feel free to use Instagram and tag me).