Dates + Health + Adventure

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Read about Months 1 and 2 on the topics of “Quiet” and “Mornings” HERE.

I’m really enjoying (affiliate link) Loving My Actual Life by Alexandra Kuykendall. I too often let life happen right around me, but I know myself and I know I need time to process all the things. I’ve had some good times of reflecting on the topics and the questions presented at the end of each month’s experiment. As I go through my own experiments this year through this site/blog, I hope to embrace my imperfections, work to be a better mom, and be a good steward of the gifts God has given me to serve others.

Months 3, 4, and 5 of Alexandra’s experiment are focused on “Dates,” “Health,” and “Adventure.”

We have always loved a good date night around these parts, but this past year, it just didn’t happen as much as we had intended. “Dates” will definitely go on the calendar this year with each individual in our fam. We do lots of stuff together and we have fit in small amounts of quality time through the day, but it would be nice to do something more because they really are such different personalities. “Health” is a biggie that I want to really work through this year, and we’ve started by taking the Simple 7 Challenge with (affiliate link) Simple Green Smoothies. And as far as “Adventure” goes, we love a good yearly vacation, but we also love our mini-adventures in our own “backyard.”

I’m using the “Questions for Reflection” at the end of the chapters to reflect 😉 but I’m share more in bullet point form otherwise I am a pretty wordy mama.

Month 3: Dates

– I would like to spend more time with Norm on a regular basis. Life is keeping me from making that happen. But no more excuses!
– I don’t have a regular time in my schedule when I am waiting or driving that could double as date time with someone. We participate in many activities together and we’re not commuting in the car often.
– I find it more difficult to make quality time happen instead of quantity time. Three small changes I can make today to take advantage of date opportunities are make sure to add one-on-ones onto the calendar, make sure what ends up on the schedule happens, and plan for small meaningful moments to happen through the day.

Some quotable quotes:

I have the urge to capitalize on every moment. To make it count. To fill it with words and activity. I’ve always associated connecting with talking, but sometimes I’m just contributing to the noise of my life.

It’s not about having time; it’s about making time with the right attitude. Right here in the little.

…I need to show them love in a way that’s meaningful to the, not just tell them with my audible voice a thousand times a day (though I don’t think that ever hurts).

Month 4: Health

– No, it’s not difficult to make my own physical care a priority, but I need to prioritize it and ask others to help make it possible.
– Enough sleep and healthy foods gives me energy so I can fully enjoy life today. I just feel icky when I sleep too little or too much.
– I am most grateful that I am healthy to care for my family and others.

Some quotable quotes:

I’ve now lived long enough to know friends who were “too young” when they died. I can’t let my age, or my busy schedule, keep me from giving my body attention. Blowing it off is an option, just not a wise one.

The more energy I have, the better my body works, and the more efficient I can be in completing my part of God’s work.

It turns out those little people I care for don’t get upset that I’m taking care of myself. They are learning from what I model.

Month 5: Adventure

– An area of my life that feels mundane is picking up messes. I can mix it up by setting up a reward system where we can go on an outing if “xyz” (haven’t figured out what this might be…suggestions?) so we have something to look forward to when we complete our tasks.
– An idea of an adventure makes me both nervous and excited because I would need to prepare and I’m not a fan of that type of anticipation, but it will be something new, challenging, and I can learn from the experience.
– I can join what God is already doing by praying for discernment of what He is planning and seeking opportunities instead of just seeing the daily things on the calendar.

Some quotable quotes:

I know I can find more adventures right where I am. I need to find it within my reality, my actual life.

Sometimes plans change. That’s part of the adventure, right?

If the adventure is greatest when I watch what God is doing and join in, I must also be obedient in the non-epic moments. And recognize God is here in the quiet obedience of sitting with someone. To not see our changed plans as a burden, something to grouch about, but another opportunity for adventure. Because where God is, adventure is. And he is everywhere.

Your turn: Have you added dates (w/ spouse, children, friends), healthy choices, and adventure in your life? If so, how has it helped in embracing and/or overcoming the challenges of motherhood?

P.S. Next week I will be reading Months 6-8 on the topics of Home Organization, Creativity, and Meals.
P.S.S. You can check out My 2017 Book List (specifically curated for the Work-in-Progress Mom) and read along with me this year.

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.