Uncluttered Reflections (week 4)

Hi! I am sharing weekly-ish how things are going in my decluttering journey these next two-ish months as I go through a clutter course. (I’ll share my thoughts after I’m done with the whole course.) Thanks for hanging out and reading my posts. I’d love to know how you’re doing and if you have any tips…about anything really!


At first, I had planned on doing a few areas in the master bedroom and some in the girls’ bedroom, but I re-read the weekly assignment in the course, and it said to only work in my own bedroom. Our bedroom is not very big at all and I’ve been decluttering it through the year so there wasn’t much to work through. This was a good thing because I needed some small tasks and small wins for the week. Scroll to see before and after photos (posted on IG Stories) and I’ll share my lessons learned at the end.

As you can see, it’s not perfect, it’s not all decluttered or even uncluttered, and it’s definitely not clean or organized. Because of my season of life, I don’t really want to spend time cleaning and organizing clutter that may or may not stay in our home AND my time and money are limited so I’m okay with working on small areas for short amounts of time for now. It’s slow progress but it’s progress and I’m happy with forward movement. Some is better than none. 👊

Lessons Learned

I learned this week that I’m pretty much done with re-decluttering some of the areas in our home! There are a number of areas where I KNOW I will have to do several rounds but the common ones that show up in all decluttering challenges, checklists, and courses will not be on my list soon enough. I’ve formulated a (hopefully) practical plan (in my head at the moment but will be written down soon) for the upcoming year on how to finally check those things off once and for all.

I mostly go back to the same spots when I’m trying out (reviewing) various courses but it got me thinking about group members who I want to see make more forward movement and I KNOW can make more progress instead of working in the same spots every day. I need to take my own advice about doing a review of why something is or is not working and what improvements I can make so that the clutter is lessened or eliminated.

Another lesson I’m learning is that as I declutter more, the “minimalist” (or “minimal-ish” as Diana Rene calls her own style) is more attainable than I had once thought. And I look forward to what that may mean for me…for us…less cleaning, more welcoming, fewer piles, more time to do more important things, less time spent looking for things, more clarity, fewer things, more joy, less worry over what-ifs of the items in our home, more freedom, less stress, more life…

Are you on any decluttering journey? What’s it been like? What are you learning?

If you want to get started, let me help you!