What I’m Reading in October [Book List]

I frequently have friends ask me what I’m reading or what I recommend, so hopefully, these posts are helpful in giving you some ideas. If there’s a certain topic you’re looking for, let me know and I’ll see if I can direct you to a book. 🙂

UPDATE: Here’s My 2018 Book List >>> joycemoy.com/booklist2018 (monthly lists linked at the bottom of this post)

Being a life-long learner and bookwormish means I read some pretty random things sometimes. I mean, if I run out of stuff, I read the backs of cereal boxes or car magazines. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if it is stuff I agree with or not. I really think we can learn something from everything. Soooo…I’m not sure there is ever a theme to each month’s books but…

Here’s my October Book List:

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

Okay, so in our group this month, we’re chatting it up on avocation. It can kinda be a hot topic to talk about “self-care” and maybe we’ll discuss more later, but for now, I’ll just say I think it’s really important for us as moms to find one thing outside of whatever we consider as our “vocation” to fuel us. Depending on your season and how much time you have realistically, this can look different to different people. It can be something big like playing tennis with friends each week or creating something at open studio hours or taking time to create baked goods or going for a hike or my favorite – reading a book. So, on to the books…

📚 1) *The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You by Jessica N. Turner

Jessica Turner just released a new book, Stretched Too Thin, and I hope to read that one soon, but for now, I have this one. 🙂 “Every woman has had this experience: you get to the end of the day and realize you did nothing for you. And if you go days, weeks, or even months in this cycle, you begin to feel like you have lost a bit of yourself.” Yes, there are seasons where our kiddos need us most of the 1,440 minutes of the day, but that’s not sustainable over a long period of time. That’s why we call on our village (or if you’re more hip than I am – your “squad”) to give us a moment. And if that’s not an option (just ask, I bet it is an option 😉 ), I think Jessica will share more in this book about how to find those pockets of time to pause so we can refuel and get back in the game well-rested and with more passion to do our mom work.

📚 2) *Finding Selah: The Simple Practice of Peace When You Need It Most by Kristen Kill

Selah. Peace. Enough said. With the noise, information, overload, overwhelm, overconsumption, I’m in need of a little peace from time to time. In the early days of mamahood, I found that even 5 minutes of quiet was refreshing and necessary for the day to continue with less stress, less frustration, and less chaos…mostly. :p I can’t wait to read more from Kristen.


There you have it, my books for October 2018. Follow along on my FB page for some inspiring quotes or more of my thoughts as I read.

What are you currently reading? Do you set reading goals or have a book list?

Monthly Book Lists:
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.

Open to new members until October 1st:

I prepared a gathering place of sorts two years ago and was not brave enough to know what to do. I lost my brave along the way somehow and I want to find it again…along with so many other things.

Having heard the hearts of many mama friends, I think it is time.

I hope it will be a place of encouragement as well as learning, a place where you can find and give grace, a place of inspiration but also of accountability. I want to hear your story and help you take the next steps…or rather, let’s take some next steps together because I’m right there with ya. There are the must-dos of motherhood like laundry and meals and there are the wish-to-dos like personal retreats which I believe are so life-giving and everyone around us can benefit. And then how do we fit in things like trying new things, budgeting, taking adventures, emergency planning? Let’s figure this out together.

Please hear me out when I say this will not be “another thing for the to-do list.” If it starts to feel like that, you are free to come and go as the seasons change.

I may share Scripture and other Bible stuff here or there, but if you don’t consider yourself religious, that is okay. You are welcome to join. Or not. I’m not easily offended. But I do hope you find your own tribe of life-giving friends to love on you and lift you up.

Fill out this survey and come join us!

>>> Mom Group Survey <<<

A few more details about the group: (Note: I’m working on building up to this but in the meantime, it is a work-in-progress. 😉 Just like us!) There will be monthly discussion theme, quarterly challenges, accountability for your action steps, resource recommendations, freebies and giveaways for the journey ahead, been-there-done-that mamas to speak truth and encouragement, and more! Opened for a limited time each month to moms interested in making progress in their #momlife. Even if you’re not interested, take the survey and download my Personal Planning Retreat planner after you click “submit.”