It’s no secret that I love to read. If you do too, check out my new virtual book club so we can read together…but apart!
Where We Meet
Joyce’s Book Club is a virtual book club that meets in a Facebook group. We will be reading three books every session. Each session is four months long.
What We’re Reading
Each session, two of the books will be non-fiction books that I call “I’m learning” books because we will be looking at issues that are happening around us and learning about what can be done. A third book will be a middle-grade book, typically for 3rd-6th graders. Initially, I didn’t think I could learn so much from middle-grade books until my girls challenged me to read some fiction books. The books we’re reading this year average 259 pages. Many of these books have been recommended to me by people I know. I have had these books on one of my three lists of “to-be-read” books which are now about 200+ books long. I can’t wait to dive into the books for the upcoming year! (You can use How Long to Read to find out how long it will take you to read the books.)
Session 1: January – April
- *Hello Mornings by Kat Lee
- *Front Desk by Kelly Yang
- *You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham
Session 2: May – August
- *How to Keep House While Drowing by KC Davis LPC
- *Even Town by Core Ann Haydu
- *Reconnected by Carlos Whittaker
Session 3: September – December
- *Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie
- *We’re Not From Here Geoff Rodkey
- *Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
Make sure to check your local library or ask your friends if they have a copy first, but if not, you can use the Amazon links or my Book Shop storefront.
*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.
❗❗❗ Guidelines and Best Practices
For our book club to be the best book club ever, please read through all the guidelines and best practices. When you fill out the form, you will be asked to agree to follow them. If you can’t truly say you will follow them, this may not be the club for you. Thank you.
⭐ Say no more, I’m ready to join! ⭐
This is a Different Sort of Book Club
One way this book club is different from some other book clubs is that I will not have read all the books that we’ll be reading. I won’t be able to let you know specific details that might bring discomfort or shock. That’s where the learning comes in. Let’s be open to hearing about others’ experiences and stories even if they are hard to hear. If you’re not sure about a book we’re reading, you can look up some reviews to see if the content is what you’d like to read and discuss. Just remember, the more you learn and know, the more you grow.
I won’t have any “official” discussion questions. I’d rather we collectively share what sticks out to us, quotable quotes, and actions we can take as a result of what we’ve read. You can also come up with questions to ask as you go along. Note: For now, we will NOT have any live discussions. All discussions will be through the posts and comments.
Reading Option 1: Read the books according to the schedule above.
Reading Option 2: Read the books above in any order you want to.
Reading Option 3: DON’T READ THE BOOKS ABOVE. Yes, you read that right. Feel free to read your own books and share about them in the book club group. We would love to hear about other books and your thoughts.
Don’t worry if you don’t read the whole book. You can still learn a lot through reading the conversations that happen inside the Facebook group.
This is the book club for you if you want to:
- learn outside the box.
- read random-ish books.
- be open to reading with action in mind.
- consider and embrace diversity and differences.
- experience stories through other people’s point of view.
As a rule-follower, I actually love that our book club won’t follow the rules of most book clubs.
If you haven’t read the guidelines and best practices, please do so soon or now! 🙂
⭐ I can’t wait to read together. I’ll join!!! ⭐
Ways to Support This Book Club and Our Family
A financial contribution is NOT a requirement to join the club. No worries if you won’t be contributing. But, I am offering many ways to support the book club. As it does take time to host a group, a small fee would help to keep this group running.
- Share on social media (Tag us @iamjoymoy, @moychronicles)
- Donate to our favorite charities – Badjao Bridge and Forestr. Then, send a receipt to let us know so I can thank you.
- Use our family affiliate links to support us at no additional cost to you –
- Gift us items from our wishlist:
- And, if you want to support us in another way, please message me.
#readwithjoyce #readwiththemoys #joycesbookclub #themoysbookclub
⭐ This sounds amazing, I’ll join!!! ⭐
*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.