What I’m Reading in January

It can be overwhelming. The end of the year tends to lend itself to thoughts and talks of resolutions, and if we are being honest, it also reminds us of our failures and makes us feel hopeless. And even more overwhelming is that this is the end of a decade! This can easily turn into a whole different blog post but I don’t have time for that right now. :p So all this to say, it’s good to reflect on the past but it’s also good to live in the present and plan for the next right thing.

I frequently have friends ask me what I’m reading or what I recommend, so hopefully, these posts are helpful in giving you some ideas. If there’s a certain topic you’re looking for, let me know and I’ll see if I can direct you to a book. 🙂

UPDATE: Here’s My 2020 Book List >>> joycemoy.com/booklist2020 or *HERE (monthly posts will be linked at the bottom of this post as they become published)

Being a life-long learner and bookwormish means I read some pretty random things sometimes. I mean, if I run out of stuff, I read the backs of cereal boxes or car magazines. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if it is stuff I agree with or not. I really think we can learn something from everything.

Here’s my January Book:

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

I re-read Your Best Year Ever at the beginning of each year. I know there are many opinions on goals and things related to planning. But here’s the thing (and I’m sure others have said it better than I can), if you have purpose, a plan can help you along the way. Recently, I’ve seen quite a few quotes, devotionals, and articles on (personal and other) growth, and I think we can very well pair goals with growth, and in that way, I will be viewing my goal setting sessions as growth setting sessions. Teachers have lesson plans, architects have blueprints, CEOs have mission statements, pilots have coordinates, Uber drivers have GPS, and the list can go on. In this same way, if we can prayerfully consider the general direction and instructions for our lives, obstacles and unexpected surprises will derail us less so than if we were just drifting here and there with uncertainty.

📚 *Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

There you have it, my book for January 2020. I’ve also been pre-reading a few books for launches and you’ll probably see them here and there on social media as well. Follow along on my FB page and/or IG account for some inspiring quotes or more of my thoughts as I read.

📚 *Hello Mornings by Kat Lee

I will also be re-reading Hello Mornings through the year as I have been since it released 2 years ago. Kat is motivating and inspiring and funny. She will coach you through coming up with a game plan for your mornings so that you can wake up FOR your life instead of TO your life. She is also a friend who wants you to start right so that you can pour into those who need you without burning out. There are lots of practical steps to building a grace-filled, life-giving morning routine!

What are you currently reading? Do you set reading goals or have a book list?

Monthly Book Lists:
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Related Post:
2019 Book List | 2018 Book List | 2017 Book List | Book Reflections [Category]

*Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a tiny percentage if you make a purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.