Inspire Through Encouragement and Leadership

I love when people post “Ask Me Anything” question boxes on Instagram. It’s fun to get to know some random facts about people or what they think about a topic. The blog series I wrote in May answered a few questions that have been asked of me. I thought I would answer more from time to time. There is a variety of topics like decluttering, planning, homeschooling, and more. In this blog post, I will respond to this question about inspiration:

How did you find yourself in a position to inspire thru encouragement and leadership? Was it a calling or a lifequest?

Quick Response

Do I inspire through encouragement and leadership? I don’t know if I really inspire folks or if I just annoy people. 😛

A More Thoughtful Response

Kidding, but probably only slightly. Thank you to the kind person who submitted this question. I’ve had a few people tell me they are thankful for my encouragement. But I’m not sure I would say I inspire many people or am an inspiration. Maybe it’s an Asian thing to be humble. I don’t think I would be at the top of anyone’s list if asked about who they were inspired by. If I have inspired you, I hope it is for good. I guess I have found myself in this position by accident.

I have been in many roles where I was a leader but this current season has called me to be more behind-the-scenes. More than leading, I think I usually come alongside friends or have invited others to come alongside whatever I am doing and join in. I host a lot of things but I don’t do much “teaching” as much as I do “sharing” things I have learned.

Encouraging others (most of the time) is something I feel prompted to do (is that “called”?) because there’s already too much discouragement in the world. Although it can be challenging at times when I try to pour from my empty cup. I know lots of people who serve, are encouragers, and love others well, but they are usually the least likely to get the same in return, especially those who are behind the scenes helping with the more grandiose things.

Photo by me, Joyce Moy: Road to Silver Lake, Camping with Friends, 2019

Other Thoughts on Encouragement and Leadership

It’s definitely not a life quest for me to inspire others through encouragement and leadership but if some of that happens in the things or because of the things that I do, then that’s a bonus. Hooray! I’m not minimizing the things that I do. I know hosting groups that help folks declutter, organize photos, create morning routines, set goals, keep accountable, create homeschool plans, and whatever else I’ve done is impactful. The truth is, I don’t always get to see the impact or hear feedback to really say I’ve inspired someone so their life is changed because their drawer doesn’t get stuck anymore because they have too many things there it.


If you’re looking for a way to encourage someone, just start with one person. You don’t need to be a leader to mentor or guide others. What you need to do is to know a little more than the person who is seeking to learn and teach them. You just need to show love (with words or through actions) to someone who hasn’t experienced it in awhile or at all. Encouragement and leadership don’t have to be a life quest, it can just be something you live out.

Is there someone who encourages or leads you? Is there someone you encourage or lead? If not, are you looking for someone to encourage/lead you or to encourage/lead?


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