Make Your Home a Sanctuary

So, I think I’ve figured it out. In order for my house to be (or appear 😉 ) orderly and clean, I need to either have guests over OR go on vacation. We don’t do an overhaul when we have people visit, but I’m certain it is most hospitable to have at least one spot on the couch where we can sit, chat, and enjoy conversation, and a clear table where we can sit, eat, and enjoy a meal. We also don’t do an overhaul when we go on vacation, but it sure is refreshing to come home and not have to throw away old food, or wash dishes, or have even more laundry to do than we have to from the trip. Well, this introvert can only handle so much company and we can’t afford to go on vacation every day, soooo there must be another solution to this problem! Over the past few years, I have found that decluttering is the key! Our house will never be perfect, but we can sure make it more of a sanctuary, where tired bodies can rest after a long day of work, where empty bellies can refuel with a meal, and where we can find peace in the midst of craziness beyond our control.

From House to Home

It all began with a Small Thing. No, really. Rachel Ann Ridge hosted a monthly challenge where we got “points” for completing a small thing each day to make our home a sanctuary. Both of our blogs, blogging, websites, have evolved through almost a decade of our online friendship. Our lives have been through many transitions, but the habit of doing a small thing each day stuck with me. It was through Home Sanctuary that I was introduced to Minimum Maintenance, and my sanity has stayed (mostly) intact because of it, especially during the season of motherhood when the kiddos were younger. (It was also through the blog that I was introduced to many other wonderful online (Company Girl) friends who I look forward to meeting in real life one day!) I’m sure I’ll share more about Rachel later, but if you have a few moments (you’ll probably need more than a few), please check out some the crazy-amazing artwork she has done, her books about a donkey that has won the hearts of many, and get some more ideas on making your home a sanctuary! (Also, you may find some pics of the girls hidden away in the archives. Bonus points for anyone who finds those posts!)

Home Words

I would love to hear about your favorite “home” Bible verse(s)! Thanks to my friends Jennifer and Bev for sharing their favorite HOME verses.

  • Joshua 24:15 –> …But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
  • Deuteronomy 28:6 –> You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
  • Some more home verses: Proverbs 24:3-4, Psalm 4:8, Ruth 1:16 (All verses are from NIV.)

Your turn: What is your favorite Bible verse or quote about home? What does home mean to you? Where do you feel most at home?