Hey There, February!

February has become my new January, because really, I need some time to recover from the holidays. Even if we keep Thanksgiving to (Chinese) New Year’s super chill, there are extra activities that happen on top of what’s on our regular schedule, and I need to get back on track. (And then our birthdays all fall within the next four months…one each month from February to May. Whew!)

I’ve taken the past month to reflect on a few things because “tired,” “stressed,” and “overwhelmed” are not words I want to use to describe myself anymore.

I hope you’ll join me in this journey this year. It’s a project, an experiment of sorts to really see how God wants me to live out my life in a few areas.

I’m still figuring things out, and to be honest, I’ll probably still be figuring things out at the end of the year. This website won’t win any bloggy awards, but I just want to encourage other moms, and let you know that you are not alone.

For the month of February, we will just be discussing HomeLife stuff on the blog.

These are the (Work-in-Progress) blog posts to come:

  • Make Your Home a Sanctuary
  • Clear the Clutter
  • Clean Routine
  • Organize the Stuff

I would love to get rid of clutter, to clean, and to organize so my home will be a safe place to land whether you are here to stay or simply here for a visit. I would also love to have you join me!

Your turn: What is one thing you can do today to make your home a sanctuary?