When we talk about home-related stuff, there are some terms that we need to define. We also need some clarification on some of the definitions. Some of the terms seem to be used to mean the same thing but they’re not always interchangeable. I believe clarifying the definitions of these terms will help us not to get overwhelmed. It will help when coming up with a plan for what we’re working on and help us move toward our goals. Hopefully, this series on household management will bring some clarity to our to-do list when it comes to our home tasks. We’ll start with the term “clean”.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-cleaning-using-cleaning-products-4440533/
verb | kleen
to rid of dirt, impurities, or extraneous matter
(Note: the first known use as a verb was in 15th century; Source: “Clean.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/clean. Accessed 18 Aug. 2023.)
to remove or consume the contents of; empty; clear
(Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/clean)
remove unwanted substances from
The meaning of c lean usually refers to removing something unwanted: you cl ean your hands by washing them, then you can cle an some grapes. This word has many meanings related to being pure or empty. You clea n a chicken by plucking its feathers, or get cleaned out when you lose all your money at poker. If a drug addict is clea n, he’s no longer using. You can clean someone’s clock, c lean up your act, or c lean out a safe and make a cle an getaway. If the floor is cl ean enough to eat off, it’s very clean. A clean life is morally pure. (Source: “Clean.” Vocabulary.com Dictionary, Vocabulary.com, https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/clean. Accessed 18 Aug. 2023.)
I think the confusion between “declutter” and “clea n” is that they both deal with getting rid of something. In the case of decluttering, we want to be getting items out of the house (or space). The goal of cleaning is to usually to get dirt, crumbs, grime, or something similar OFF of an object. This usually involves wiping, sweeping, washing, and other related tasks.
Related: (We’ll add to this as we go, so link may not be live yet.)
Declutter | Clean | Organize | Unclutter | Tidy | what else do you suggest?