A Light So Lovely

You may have heard of A Wrinkle in Time from the movie that released this year starring Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Storm Reid, and Mindy Kaling. Or maybe you read the book in school. It is a favorite of a friend of mine, and he doesn’t even like reading at all! A Light So Lovely is about the author of this book, Madeleine L’Engle, who has brought wonderment and amazement to her readers for so long.

By knowing her better, we might better understand our own particular darknesses, in this unique chapter of American history, and how we’re called to be light-bearers too.

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I love that from the beginning, the author Sarah Arthur, outlines the structure of the book, allowing us to know from the start where this book will lead. That leaves nothing to the imagination, but it guides us to understand the key moments she will share. Through the book, we see the theme of imagination woven through the journey of discovering the light that can shine through a transformation of finding God’s truth.

I love this quote from L’Engle:

We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing that a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.

How true this statement remains during such a time as we live in now. We can give a message of hope and grace rather than opposition and anger.


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Your turn: What one thing are you doing to be a light in a dark place?

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